Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Havana Township
Page 763

WILLIAM HIGBEE, retired, Havana; was born in Lexington, Ky., Nov. 6, 1813; son of Vincent and Susannah ( Poindexter) Higbee; the former a native of New Jersey, and the latter of Virginia; the family removed to Illinois and located in Greene Co.. where the subject of this sketch resided until 1843, when he removed to Christian Co. Ill., and to Quiver Township, this county, in 1847. In 1841, he married Miss Fannie C., daughter of Robert and Maria D. (Brown) Cross, both parents born in Somerset Co., N. J. Mrs Higbee was also born in the same county and State, Sept. 26, 1821; their parents settled in Quiver Township, this county, in 1843, where the family resided at the time of her father's death; her mother's death occurred after removal to Havana. In February, 1849, Mr. Higbee removed to Havana, his present home. His mother, who has nearly reached her ninetieth year, resides at Whitehall, Sreene Co., Ill.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer